Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Pronouns (Part 2)

Let's continue from part 1 where I described the need to use pronouns and how to use its most basic form, the Personal Pronouns.

In part 2 here, I shall describe the other forms of pronouns.

Previously, 'He, She, It, I, You, We, They' are used as subjects, which means they are the ones who start a sentence. They are at the beginning of a sentence. And they are usually before the verb in the sentence.

For example,
He walks to school every morning.
'He' is at the beginning and placed before the verb 'walks'.

Therefore, 'He' is the subject form of personal pronouns.

What if the pronouns are the objects of the sentence? In other words, the pronouns are near the end of the sentence or after the verb in the sentence? Well, we can no longer use the same set of personal pronouns.

When used as objects,
I becomes me
He -> him
She -> her
We -> us
They -> them
'It' remains as 'it'
'You' remains as 'you'

For example,
I adore Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone. I've always loved Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone. My brother also likes Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone.

Too hard and long to write Arnold's and Sylvester's long names, isn't it?

Therefore, we'll address Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone as 'them' as the objects of the sentence. 

I adore Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone. I've always loved them. My brother also likes them.

It's at the end of the sentence. Check!
It's also after the verb. Check!

Therefore, remember not to use the wrong pronoun when it's at the end of the sentence and after the verb. Make sure you can differentiate between the subjects and the objects.

Well, that's it for part 2. Stay tuned for part 3 where we explore more forms of pronouns!

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